Dragon Boat

IDBF - modified for Corporate Games
Open No restrictions are placed on age of the crew. Athletes with disabilities welcome.
The long race on a distance of 400 m
Sprint race on a distance of 200 m
No Dragon Boat Racing experience is required however all competitors must be able to swim at least 50m lightly clothed.
All participants must wear buoyancy aids.
Every crew is scheduled a minimum of 2 races at each distance Competitors may only race for one crew.
A squad must have a minimum of 11 and may have up to 13.
A crew must consist of a Drummer and 8 paddlers in each race.
Mixed Teams must have no more than 4 paddlers of each gender plus a Drummer of either gender in the boat.
Approved Steerers will be provided.
A Captains Meeting which includes safety requirements will be held each day 1 hour prior to first start time.
Specific Competition Details will be provided at Registration.
Eliminations to follow.
Specific Competition Details will be provided at Registration.
Matching shirts are required. It is recommended that shorts, t-shirt and trainers be worn for racing.
Fully equipped Dragon Boats, paddles and buoyancy aids are provided.
Open No restrictions are placed on age or composition of women and men in the crew. Athletes with disabilities welcome.